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Here you will find a huge range of ideas, resources and support for teaching across different ages by human rights theme. Our resources are written by specialist advisors, they encourage engaged classroom discussions about human rights using creative approaches to understanding truth, freedom and justice.




Here you will find a huge range of ideas, resources and support for teaching across different ages by human rights theme. Our resources are written by specialist advisors, they encourage engaged classroom discussions about human rights using creative approaches to understanding truth, freedom and justice.
Discovering a New Planet - Bite Size Activity

Discovering a New Planet - Bite Size Activity

Human rights belong to all of us. Write human rights laws for a new planet. Each week we will share more bite size ideas for fun and creative ways to learn about human rights. You’ll need: A copy of the Human Rights Act, paper, pens and pencils What to do: A new planet has been discovered. No humans have ever been to or lived on this planet. There are no laws, no rules and no history. You are the first settler. Complete the following activities to design your planet: Name your planet Write a list of 10 human rights for the planet that should be protected by law and explain why you have chosen those rights? Look at the Human Rights Act on page 11 of the resource. How does your list compare to the rights listed in the Act? Would you like to add any new rights to your list now? Draw your planet and include your chosen final list of Human Rights around the outside of it. Amnesty’s education work is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.
Feeling Faces - Bite Size Activity

Feeling Faces - Bite Size Activity

We all have the right to have our own thoughts and ideas and to share them Make faces to show different feelings. Each week we will share more bite size ideas for fun and creative ways to learn about human rights. You’ll need: A mirror, feelings resource sheet What to do Look in the mirror or look at someone else and make sad/happy faces. Can you make a face to express fear and anger too? Look at the faces on the sheets or the screen – what are they feeling? What other words can we use for these feelings? Amnesty’s education work is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.
Feelings Bean Bag - Bite Size Activity

Feelings Bean Bag - Bite Size Activity

We all have the right to have our own thoughts and ideas and to share them Make bean bags to show different feelings. Each week we will share more bite size ideas for fun and creative ways to learn about human rights. You’ll need: Balloons, uncooked rice, funnel, feelings resource sheet What to do: Insert funnel into the top of the balloon, pour in rice. When the balloons are full, draw faces on them using a permanent marker pen to represent the emotions of happy, sad, angry, surprised. Sitting or standing, pass or roll the balloons to each other. When you receive it, you should name the feeling on the balloon and make the face. What’s another word to express that feeling? How do you feel when you see someone making a feeling face? What would you do if someone is feeling sad? Amnesty’s education work is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.
Helping Hands - Bite Size Activity

Helping Hands - Bite Size Activity

Human rights belong to everybody Make a helping hands mural to show what you can do. Each week we will share more bite size ideas for fun and creative ways to learn about human rights. You’ll need: Paper, paint What to do: What can we do to help friends, family and people in our communities? Ask everyone in your home to paint their hands and make a print on a piece of paper. When it is dry, they can write what they are going to do to help on their hand print. Stick them altogether into a Helping Hands mural. Don’t forget to do your own! Can you take a picture of your mural and share it with someone? Amnesty’s education work is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.
Story Explorer - Bite Size Activity

Story Explorer - Bite Size Activity

We all have the right to have opinions and to express ourselves. Each week we will share more bite size ideas for fun and creative ways to learn about human rights. You’ll need: Story Explorer resource sheet What to do: Use your paper folding skills to make a story explorer! Pick a colour and move the explorer as you spell it out. Then select a number and unfold for a question to ask of the book, film or TV programme you are enjoying at the moment. Can you ask the questions of someone else to find out more about a story they love? Amnesty’s education work is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.
Colour Your Freedoms - Bite Size Activity

Colour Your Freedoms - Bite Size Activity

Human rights belong to all of us Colour the freedoms that belong to all of us. Each week we will share more bite size ideas for fun and creative ways to learn about human rights. You’ll need: Freedom colouring pages, colouring pencils and/or pens What to do: Print out the colouring pages to see how Chris Riddell has illustrated the freedoms that belong to all of us. Colour them in and add to the drawings. Amnesty’s education work is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.
Here We Are - Bite Size Activity

Here We Are - Bite Size Activity

We have the right to friends and family. Bring together pictures of your important people to celebrate your friends and family. Each week we will share more bite size ideas for fun and creative ways to learn about human rights. You’ll need Colouring pencils and/or pens, paper, craft materials What to do Who are your important people? Draw, find, or take a picture of people who are special to you – pets and toys included! Make a collage or make a belonging tree. Don’t forget to include yourself! Share a picture or hold it up when you are connecting with friends and family.
Bird Bunting - Bite Size Activity

Bird Bunting - Bite Size Activity

**We are all born free. ** Make bird bunting to celebrate our human right to freedom. Each week we will share more bite size ideas for fun and creative ways to learn about human rights. You’ll need Paper, colouring pencils/pens, scissors, string, pegs, bird templates What to do What does Freedom mean? What do you think of? Draw a bird or cut out one of the one’s from the worksheet. Write a word, phrase or line about freedom on it. Colour it in. Make as many birds as you like and peg them to string and hang them in your home. Can you put your bunting somewhere other people can see it?
Rewrites - Bite Size Activity

Rewrites - Bite Size Activity

We all born free and equal. Celebrate our right to equality by rewriting a story. Each week we will share more bite size ideas for fun and creative ways to learn about human rights. You can find more on our Classroom to Community blog You’ll need Paper and pen or a computer What to do Choose a story that you have read or watched. Select a supporting character and rewrite the story with them as the hero. Where do they go? Who do they meet? How do they save the day? How is your hero different from the original one? Share your stories with us by emailing. Amnesty’s education work is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.
Map and Guidebook - Bite Size Activity

Map and Guidebook - Bite Size Activity

We all have the right to go where we want in our own country when it is safe for us to travel. Create a guidebook to celebrate your local area. Each week we will share more bite size ideas for fun and creative ways to learn about human rights. You’ll need Paper, pens and pencils What to do Draw a map of your local area. Label your favourite places and things to do. Write a guidebook entry for each one. Don’t forget to include a picture. Can you share your guidebook with someone who hasn’t been to your area? Share your maps with us by emailing us. Amnesty’s education work is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.
Solidarity Message - Bite Size Activity

Solidarity Message - Bite Size Activity

We all have a duty to each other. Write messages to show solidarity with the people in your home. You’ll need Paper, pens What to do Write poems or notes to leave around your house for the people you live with. Think about what would make people feel happy or moved and let that shape what you write. Where can you put your notes so that they will be a lovely surprise? Share your messages with us. Amnesty’s education work is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.
Scavenger Hunt - Bite Size Activity

Scavenger Hunt - Bite Size Activity

We all have the right to play Celebrate our right to play with a scavenger hunt. Each week we will share more bite size ideas for fun and creative ways to learn about human rights. What to do What are your favourite things to do? Make a list of what you need for these activities. A ball? Colouring pencils? A book? A toy? With a friend, swap lists. Look for all the things on your friend’s list. Who can find the most things? Amnesty’s education work is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.
A Flutter of Stories - Bite Size Activity

A Flutter of Stories - Bite Size Activity

We all have the right to express ourselves. Make a flutter of stories to celebrate freedom of expression. Each week we will share more bite size ideas for fun and creative ways to learn about human rights. You can find more on our blog You’ll need Paper, paint or colour pencils, scissors, string or ribbon What to do Draw and cut out butterfly shapes. Attach a ribbon or string. Ask members of your family or your friends to tell you a story. It could be about themselves as children or it could be a story that a relative has told them. Write each story onto a butterfly and hang them up. Share your butterflies with us. Amnesty’s education work is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.
People Tree - Bite Size Activity

People Tree - Bite Size Activity

We all have the right to a family and to choose our friends. Celebrate our right to family and friends by making a People Tree. Each week we will share more bite size ideas for fun and creative ways to learn about human rights. You can find more on our blog You’ll need Paper, paint or colour pencils What to do Draw a tree and put your name on the trunk. On each branch write the name of someone who is close to you (you could include who you live with, your closest friends, members of your family). Draw leaves with the names of people they are closest to. This tree shows how we are also connected to people beyond our family. Share your trees with us by emailing Amnesty’s education work is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.
Secret Messages - Bite Size Activity

Secret Messages - Bite Size Activity

We all have the right to privacy. Celebrate our right to privacy by sending secret messages. Each week we will share more bite size ideas for fun and creative ways to learn about human rights. You’ll need Paper, lemon or onion juice, cotton bud or small paint brush, a light bulb What to do Write a secret message using the juice. Whoever receives it can reveal the message by holding it close to the hot light bulb. Amnesty’s education work is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.
Freedom Kite - Bite Size Activity

Freedom Kite - Bite Size Activity

We are all born free. Make a kite to celebrate our right to freedom. Each week we will share more bite size ideas for fun and creative ways to learn about human rights. You’ll need Paper, paint or colouring pencils, scissors, string or ribbon What to do Draw a kite shape and decorate it with a scene in which you feel free. Cut it out and add string or ribbon. If you let your kite go, where would it travel? Who might find it? Can you write or draw a story showing what might happen? Amnesty’s education work is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.
Self Portrait - Bite Size Activity

Self Portrait - Bite Size Activity

Human rights belong to everybody. Celebrate what makes you unique with a self-portrait. Each week we will share more bite size ideas for fun and creative ways to learn about human rights. You’ll need Paper, paint or colouring pencils What to do What makes you different to everyone else? What do you have in common with your friends? Why is it important to be yourself? Draw a picture or self-portrait that emphasises something that makes you unique. Can you create a gallery of self-portraits by your friends and family? Amnesty’s education work is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.